Sunday, March 24, 2019

Daily activity # 11 (version ing)

Today I entered the campus at 6:10 WITA. And one line directly to make what was prepared yesterday. Then we group the main course. Directly make beef stew, when making beef stew.
  We divided into 2 groups to prepare tomorrow's menu, which is dessert consisting of: choux a'la creme, hard roll and vanilla clustard.

 After that, I helped to plating the yellow butter cake. And helps to bring food to restaurants. Then we are one line and break the dhuhur prayer.
After the prayer we ate with the senior and then one line GC. I gc in the pastry section.

After the GC, we pray ashar and after prayer we are one line home.
Recipe hard roll:
700ml water
45gr yeast
1250gr hard flour
30gr salt
30gr sugar
30gr shortening
30gr egg white.

Recipe for choux ala cream:

Water or milk: 500gr
Butter: 250gr
Hard flour: 375gr
Egg: 625gr
Vanilla Custard Recipe:
Yolk Egg: 12pcs
Sugar: 250gr
Milk: 1L
Vanila: 15ml

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